
NaiveHeight(P) : PtEll -> FldPrElt
The naive x-coordinate height of a point P on an elliptic curve over a function field K; in other words, the degree of the point (x(P):1) on the projective line.
Height(P) : PtEll -> FldRatElt
The N{éron--Tate height of the given point P on an elliptic curve defined over a function field.
LocalHeight(P, Pl) : PtEll, PlcFunElt -> FldPrElt
Given a point P on an elliptic curve defined over a function field F and a place Pl of the function field F, returns the local height λPl(P) at Pl of P.
HeightPairing(P, Q) : PtEll[FldFunG], PtEll[FldFunG] -> FldRatElt
Returns the height pairing of the points P and Q, defined as <P, Q> = (hat(h)(P + Q) - hat(h)(P) - hat(h)(Q))/2 (where as usual hat(h) denotes the N{éron--Tate height).
HeightPairingMatrix(S) : SeqEnum[PtEll[FldFunG]] -> AlgMatElt
Given a sequence S of points Pi on an elliptic curve defined over a function field, this function returns the matrix (< Pi, Pj >), where < , > is the height pairing.
HeightPairingLattice(S) : [PtEll[FldFunG]] -> AlgMatElt, Map
The height pairing lattice of a sequence of independent points on an elliptic curve defined over a function field.
Basis(S) : [ PtEll ] -> [ PtEll ], ModMatAlgElt
Given a sequence S of points on an elliptic curve, returns a sequence of points that form a basis for the free part of the subgroup generated by the points in S. The second returned value is a Gram matrix for this basis with respect to the Néron--Tate pairing.
Basis(S, r, disc) : SeqEnum, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
Given a sequence S of points on an elliptic curve, returns a sequence of independent points in the free part of the subgroup generated by S such that these points generate a lattice of rank r and discriminant disc. The answer is returned as soon as such a lattice has been found, ignoring any additional points in the given sequence.
IsLinearlyDependent(points) : [PtEll] -> BoolElt, ModTupRngElt
IsLinearlyIndependent(points) : [PtEll] -> BoolElt, ModTupRngElt
IndependentGenerators(points) : [PtEll] -> [PtEll]
These functions are available for elliptic curves over function fields, and behave the same way as for elliptic curves over the rationals.
V2.28, 13 July 2023