Tuple Access Functions

Parent(T) : Tup -> SetCart
The cartesian product to which the tuple T belongs.
# T : Tup -> RngIntElt
Number of components of the tuple T.
T[i] : Tup -> Elt
Return the i-th component of tuple T. Note that this indexing can also be used on the left hand side for modification of T.
Explode(T) : Tup -> t1, t2, ...
Given a tuple T of length n, this function returns the n entries of T (in order).
TupleToList(T) : Tup -> List
Tuplist(T) : Tup -> List
Given a tuple T return a list containing the entries of T.

Example Tuple_TupleAccess (H12E3)

>  f := < 11/2, 13/3, RootOfUnity(3, CyclotomicField(3)) >;
> f;
<11/2, 13/3, (zeta_3)>
> #f;
> Parent(f);
Cartesian Product<Rational Field, Rational Field, Cyclotomic field Q(zeta_3)>
> f[1]+f[2]+f[3];
(1/6) * (59 + 6*zeta_3)
> f[3] := 7;
> f;
<11/2, 13/3, 7>
V2.28, 13 July 2023