Operations on Elements

The operations in this section can be applied to elements of either a group algebra or of a group algebra subalgebra of type AlgGrpSub. Only those operations are listed, which are additional to those available for general algebras.

a + r : AlgGrpElt, RngElt -> AlgGrpElt
r + a : RngElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The sum of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the scalar r ∈R.
a + g : AlgGrpElt, GrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
g + a : GrpElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The sum of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the group element g ∈G.
a - r : AlgGrpElt, RngElt -> AlgGrpElt
r - a : RngElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The difference of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the scalar r ∈R.
a - g : AlgGrpElt, GrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
g - a : GrpElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The difference of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the group element g ∈G.
a * r : AlgGrpElt, RngElt -> AlgGrpElt
r * a : RngElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The product of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the scalar r ∈R.
g * a : GrpElt, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
a * g : AlgGrpElt, GrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
The product of the group algebra element a ∈R[G] and the group element g ∈G.
Support(a) : AlgGrpElt -> SeqEnum
The support of a; that is, the sequence of group elements whose coefficients in a are non-zero.
Trace(a) : AlgGrpElt -> RngElt
The trace of a; that is, the coefficient of 1G in a.
Augmentation(a) : AlgGrpElt -> RngElt
The augmentation of the group algebra element a; that is, ∑g ∈G rg where a = ∑g ∈G rg * g.
Involution(a) : AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpElt
If a = ∑g ∈G rg * g, returns ∑g ∈G rg * g - 1.
Coefficient(a, g) : AlgGrpElt, GrpElt -> RngElt
a[g] : AlgGrpElt, GrpElt -> RngElt
The coefficient of g ∈G in a ∈R[G].
ElementToSequence(a) : AlgGrpElt -> SeqEnum
Eltseq(a) : AlgGrpElt -> SeqEnum
If a is an element from a group algebra A given in vector representation, this returns the sequence of coefficients with respect to the fixed basis of A. If A is given in terms representation, this returns a sequence of tuples, where the second entry is a group element and the first is the coefficient of that group element in a.
Coefficients(a) : AlgGrpElt -> SeqEnum
For an element a from a group algebra A given in vector representation, this returns the sequence of coefficients with respect to the fixed basis of A.
Centraliser(a) : AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpSub
Centralizer(a) : AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpSub
The centralizer in the group algebra A of the element a of A.
Centraliser(S, a) : AlgGrpSub, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpSub
Centralizer(S, a) : AlgGrpSub, AlgGrpElt -> AlgGrpSub
The centralizer of the element a (of a group algebra A) in the subalgebra S of A.

Example AlgGrp_powering (H91E5)

We use the group algebra to determine the diameter of the Cayley graph of a group.

> G := Alt(6);
> QG := GroupAlgebra( Rationals(), G );
> e := QG!1 + &+[ QG!g : g in Generators(G) ];
> e;
Id(G) + (1, 2)(3, 4, 5, 6) + (1, 2, 3)

The group elements that can be expressed as words of length at most n in the generators of G have non-zero coefficient in en. The following function returns for a group algebra element e a sequence with the cardinalities of the supports of en and breaks when the group order is reached.

> wordcount := function(e)
>     f := e;
>     count := [ #Support(f) ];
>     while count[#count] lt #Group(Parent(e)) do
>         f *:= e;
>         Append(~count, #Support(f));
>     end while;
>     return count;
> end function;

Now apply this function to the above defined element:

> wordcount( e );
[ 3, 7, 14, 26, 47, 83, 140, 219, 293, 345, 360 ]

Thus, every element in A6 can be expressed as a word of length at most 11 in the generators (1, 2)(3, 4, 5, 6) and (1, 2, 3). A better 2-generator set is for example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and (1, 5, 3, 6, 4), where all elements can be expressed as words of length at most 10 and this is in fact optimal. A worst 2-generator set is given by (1, 2)(3, 4) and (1, 5, 3, 2)(4, 6).

> wordcount( QG!1 + G!(1,2,3,4,5) + G!(1,5,3,6,4) );
[ 3, 7, 15, 31, 60, 109, 183, 274, 350, 360 ]
> wordcount( QG!1 + G!(1,2)(3,4) + G!(1,5,3,2)(4,6) );
[ 3, 6, 11, 18, 28, 43, 63, 88, 119, 158, 206, 255, 297, 329, 352, 360 ]

Example AlgGrp_average (H91E6)

The group algebra can also be used to investigate the random distribution of words of a certain length in the generators of the group.

> M11 := sub< Sym(11) | (1,11,9,10,4,3,7,2,6,5,8), (1,5,6,3,4,2,7,11,9,10,8) >;
> A := GroupAlgebra(RealField(16), M11 : Rep := "Vector");
> A;
Group algebra with vector representation
Coefficient ring: Real Field of precision 16
Group: Permutation group M11 acting on a set of cardinality 11
    Order = 7920 = 2^4 * 3^2 * 5 * 11
        (1, 11, 9, 10, 4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 5, 8)
        (1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 7, 11, 9, 10, 8)
> e := (A!M11.1 + A!M11.2) / 2.0;
> eta := Eta(A) / #M11;

For growing n, the words of length n in the generators of M11 converge towards a random distribution iff en converges towards eta. We look at the quadratic differences of the coefficients of en-eta for n = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

> e10 := e^10;
> f := A!1;
> for i in [1..5] do
>     f *:= e10;
>     print &+[ c^2 : c in Eltseq(f - eta) ];
> end for;
V2.28, 28 February 2025