******************************************************************** * THE MAGMA V2.21 DISTRIBUTION: INFORMATION FOR THE SYSTEM MANAGER * ******************************************************************** This Magma distribution contains the files: INSTALL.txt This file README.txt Documentation information for users magma.exe.gz Standard executable magma.static.exe.gz Statically-linked; some versions only magma.dynamic.exe.gz Dynamically-linked; some versions only package.tar.gz Magma standard packages magma Magma driving script libs.tar.gz Magma databases and libraries (default) doc.tar.gz PDF and HTML documentation InternalHelp.tar.gz Internal help text ThirdParty.tar.gz Information and licenses for third party libraries used by Magma If this is the Macintosh 64-bit Intel version, then the following file will also be included: libgmp.3.dylib Dynamic GMP library Alternatively, if you have downloaded the shared_complete.tar.gz file, then the distribution will consist of: INSTALL.txt This file README.txt Documentation information for users magma.exe.gz Standard executable magma.static.exe.gz Statically-linked; some versions only magma.dynamic.exe.gz Dynamically-linked; some versions only shared_complete.tar.gz All other files needed for Magma. Simply follow the installation procedure below to install Magma. ***************** * RELEASE NOTES * ***************** IMPORTANT: PLEASE ENSURE that all users know about and have access to the release notes for this version (doc/ReleaseNotes.pdf, or at the top page of the HTML Help). ************************** * INSTALLATION PROCEDURE * ************************** Here we give the Magma installation procedure which assumes the files are in the gzip-compressed format. The utility 'gunzip' should be in your path (usually it is in /usr/local/bin). We suppose that all the Magma files are to be installed in the directory /usr/local/magma and that the Magma driving script "magma" is to be installed as /usr/local/bin/magma; change these to whatever is appropriate in the following. (0) For all versions other than Windows versions, you must have a password file 'magmapassfile'. First mail to us at magma@maths.usyd.edu.au the following information for each machine covered by your licence: Linux (32/64-bit) MAC address (see http://tinyurl.com/8nkm3) Intel Mac (OSX) MAC address (see http://tinyurl.com/8nkm3) Windows (32/64-bit) MAC address (see http://tinyurl.com/8nkm3) Compaq/Dec Alpha Internet address HP ID number (Use 'uname -i' command) IBM RS/6000 ID number (Use 'uname -m' command) SGI Hostid (Use 'hostid' command) Sun Sparc Hostid (Use 'hostid' command) We will then mail you a string of digits. Create the text file 'magmapassfile' and copy the string of digits into the file (there should be no blank lines before or after the digits in the file). Make sure that the file is readable by all by typing the command: chmod a+r magmapassfile Place the file in the directory in which you have downloaded the other Magma files. This is all that needs be done for this file: the 'magma' script mentioned below should point to it at the end of the installation. (1) Make the directory /usr/local/magma, move all the Magma files into /usr/local/magma, and then change directory there by typing: cd /usr/local/magma (2) Unpack the executable and fix its permissions by one of the following: (a) For the Alpha version, first type gunzip magma.exe chmod 755 magma.exe then if this magma.exe does not work when you have set up the 'magma' script below, type: mv magma.exe magma.exe.dyn gunzip magma.exe chmod 755 magma.exe and this statically-linked executable should work -- mail us if it doesn't. (b) For Linux versions, first type gunzip magma.exe chmod 755 magma.exe then if this magma.exe does not work when you have set up the 'magma' script below, type: mv magma.exe magma.static.exe gunzip magma.exe chmod 755 magma.exe and this dynamically-linked executable should work -- mail us if it doesn't. If your machine has a Pentium 4, you should download the Pentium-4 compiled version magma.exe.p4.gz and rename this to magma.exe after it is uncompressed, and use this instead of the default version, since it should be faster. (c) For all other versions, type: gunzip magma.exe chmod 755 magma.exe (d) Since V2.17, if this is the Macintosh 64-bit Intel version, also make sure that the file: libgmp.3.dylib is also present in the same directory as magma.exe; if not, download it from: https://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/magma/export/mac-x86_64-osx and place it there. (3) If you downloaded the shared_complete.tar.gz file, unpack it by: gunzip < shared_complete.tar.gz | tar xopf - (The 'o' flag to tar ensures that the files will be unpacked with root ownership if you are running as root. If your machine does not allow the 'o' flag, just omit it, or choose something else appropriate. The 'p' flag ensures that the correct permissions are extracted from these files.) (4) Otherwise, you will need to unpack the individual .tar.gz files mentioned above: gunzip < InternalHelp.tar.gz | tar xopf - gunzip < ThirdParty.tar.gz | tar xopf - gunzip < doc.tar.gz | tar xopf - gunzip < libs.tar.gz | tar xopf - gunzip < package.tar.gz | tar xopf - (The 'o' flag to tar ensures that the files will be unpacked with root ownership if you are running as root. If your machine does not allow the 'o' flag, just omit it, or choose something else appropriate. The 'p' flag ensures that the correct permissions are extracted from these files.) (5) Edit the magma script and change the ..... to /usr/local/magma (or wherever you are installing Magma) so that all files and directories in the script are referred to correctly. Ensure that it is executable: chmod 755 magma IMPORTANT: The various extracted files should have the correct permissions, but sometimes these can be lost. All the files need to be readable by everyone who will be using Magma. One way to ensure this is to run the following two commands in the Magma installation directory: find . -type d -exec chmod go+rx '{}' ';' find . -type f -exec chmod go+r '{}' ';' (6) Put a link from /usr/local/bin/magma to /usr/local/magma/magma by: ln -s /usr/local/magma/magma /usr/local/bin/magma (7) Try running magma by: magma (perhaps type "rehash" first if you use csh). You can test the Help system by typing ? at the Magma prompt. The Magma system packages should be automatically loaded also (you will not see any complaint if this is so). If you get some error messages to do with packages, check that package.tar.gz was unpacked correctly and that the environment variable MAGMA_SYSTEM_SPEC is set correctly to the file "spec" in the root of the package directory. ********************* * FILES DESCRIPTION * ********************* A short description of each of the (uncompressed) files follows. INSTALL.txt ----------- This file. README.txt ---------- A file similar to this one describing the files but intended for the users, not the system manager. ThirdParty.tar -------------- Information about and licenses for the third party libraries used by Magma. doc.tar ------- A tar file which contains the directory "doc" which contains the Magma documentation (details below). See the README.txt file in that directory for more information. magmapassfile ------------- The password file which tells Magma what are the valid hosts on which Magma can be run for your licence. If you wish to add more hosts within your licence, or change the hosts on which you wish to run Magma, all you need do is contact us with the list of hostids for the appropriate machines. We can then create a new password file for the new list and send it to you -- nothing else in the distribution need be changed. magma, magma.exe ---------------- Magma consists of the binary executable "magma.exe" and a driving shell script "magma" which sets some environment variables first so the executable "magma.exe" can find the password file "magmapassfile", etc. For the Alpha version of Magma, there are two versions of the Magma executable included. The file magma.exe is a dynamically linked version and the file magma.static.exe is a statically linked version. First use the dynamically-linked version magma.exe and see if that that works on your Alpha (details below in installation instructions). If this executable doesn't work (probably if your version of OSF is before V3.0), try copying magma.static.exe to magma.exe (save magma.exe first) and see if that works (again, details below). If that still doesn't work, please contact us. For the Sun versions, the file magma.exe is always a native Solaris 2 executable (use it for machines running Solaris 2), while the file magma.exe.sunos4 is a SunOS 4.1 executable -- use it for machines running SunOS 4.1 (i.e., copy it to the filename magma.exe on such machines). For the Linux version, the executable magma.exe is statically linked. If this executable doesn't work (probably because your version of Linux is newer than ours), try using the dynamically linked executable magma.exe.dyn if it is present; otherwise please contact us and we'll send you the dynamically linked executable. The shell script "magma" simply sets the environment variable MAGMAPASSFILE so that the executable "magma.exe" can find the password file. Other environment variables are also set. The first line of the script runs: ROOT=..... To install the Magma executable, change the ..... to the root directory in which the executable magma.exe is installed. Make sure the executable file magma.exe is publically executable by all users of Magma. Furthermore, if your operating system is Solaris, the file magma.exe should be publically *readable* by all (this is needed so that timing in Magma works). Type the command chmod 755 magma.exe to ensure this. package.tar ----------- A tar file which contains the directory "package" which has the Magma system packages used by Magma internally. It should be installed in a publically-readable place and the environment variable MAGMA_SYSTEM_SPEC should be set to the file "spec" in its root. InternalHelp.tar ---------------- A tar file which contains the directory "InternalHelp" which has all the data files used by the Magma Help System. It should be installed in a publically-readable place. libs.tar -------- libs.tar is a tar file which consists of a collection of libraries for use with Magma. When un-tarred, there is a directory 'libs' which contains each library in a subdirectory and two shell scripts PATH.sh and PATH.csh to set the environment variables MAGMA_LIBRARY_ROOT and MAGMA_LIBRARIES to access the libraries. There are other databases not included in the libs tar by default; these may be downloaded from the 'Optional Databases' section of the Downloads area of the Magma website. Problems ======== For all enquiries and problems please mail us at: magma@maths.usyd.edu.au ************************ * USE OF FREE SOFTWARE * ************************ Third party libraries used by Magma Depending on architecture, one or more of the following third party libraries may be used by Magma, in accordance with any appropriate licenses. * ATLAS http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/ * GMP http://www.swox.com/gmp/ * GMP-ECM http://www.komite.net/laurent/soft/ecm/ecm-6.0.1.html * MPC http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Andreas.Enge/Mpc.html * MPFR http://www.mpfr.org/ In each case the appropriate license is reproduced in the ThirdParty subdirectory of the Magma installation directory. Some of the above libraries use the GNU LGPL license. To comply with this license (point 6) we will provide to licensed Magma users on request a shared-library version of Magma which will be linkable against future versions of these libraries. Please note that this is quite unnecessary for current licensed Magma users, since all versions of Magma which use these libraries will always be kept up to date with the latest applicable versions; this offer is made simply to comply with the GNU LGPL license.