1. Nigel Boston and Gary McGuire, The weight distributions of cyclic codes with two zeros and zeta functions, J. Symbolic Comput. 45 (2010), no. 7, 723–733.[MR/doi]
  2. Carl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, and Gary McGuire, A few more quadratic APN functions, preprint (2008), 12 pages.[arXiv]
  3. Carl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, and Gary McGuire, New families of quadratic almost perfect nonlinear trinomials and multinomials, Finite Fields Appl. 14 (2008), no. 3, 703–714.[MR]
  4. Gary McGuire and José Felipe Voloch, Weights in codes and genus 2 curves, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), no. 8, 2429–2437 (electronic).[MR]
  5. Gary McGuire and Harold N. Ward, A determination of the weight enumerator of the code of the projective plane of order 5, Note Mat. 18 (1998), no. 1, 71–99 (1999).[MR]
  6. Gary McGuire and Harold N. Ward, The weight enumerator of the code of the projective plane of order 5, Geom. Dedicata 73 (1998), no. 1, 63–77.[MR]
  7. Laura Hitt O'Connor, Gary McGuire, Michael Naehrig, and Marco Streng, CM construction of genus 2 curves with p-rank 1, preprint (2008), 19 pages.[arXiv]
  8. Vijaykumar Singh and Gary McGuire, The intersection of two Fermat hypersurfaces in P3 via computation of quotient curves, preprint (2009), 16 pages.[arXiv]
  9. Alexey Zaytsev and Gary McGuire, On the zeta functions of an optimal tower of function fields over F4, preprint (2009), 14 pages.[arXiv]