The CAYLEY/MAGMA Conference on Computational Algebra (London, 23-27 Aug, 1993)

An instructional conference on Computational Algebra and the new MAGMA system for Algebra and Number Theory will be held at Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, August 23-27, 1993. The conference is being held to mark the international launch of MAGMA and it will focus on the state of the art in algorithmic algebra.

Preliminary summary of talks:

Monday, August 23 --------------------------------------------------------------

    John Cannon --- University of Sydney
    An introduction to the algebra system Magma

    Charles Leedham-Green --- Queen Mary and Westfield College, London
    Computing with soluble groups

    George Havas --- University of Queensland, Brisbane
    Some computational approaches to finitely presented groups

    Eamonn O'Brien --- Australian National University, Canberra
    Computing with quotients of finitely presented groups

    David Easdown --- University of Sydney
    Growth and existence of identities for finitely
    presented inverse semigroups

    Amnon Rosenmann --- Institut fu:r Experimentelle Mathematik, Essen
    An algorithm for constructing Gro:bner and 
    free Schreier bases in free group algebras

**** Workshop on Magma I:
John Cannon: The concept of an algebraic structure in Magma
Allan Steel: The Magma set theory sublanguage
Wieb Bosma: Polynomial rings in Magma
George Havas: Finitely presented groups in Magma

Tuesday, August 24 -------------------------------------------------------------

    Derek Holt --- University of Warwick
    MEATAXE methods for computing with group modules

    Michael Pohst --- Technische Universita:t Berlin
    On computing invariants of number fields

    Steve Linton --- Queen Mary and Westfield College, London
    Vector enumeration, a new tool for computational algebra

    Wieb Bosma --- University of Sydney
    Quadratic forms and class groups: a worked example

    Bernd Souvignier ---  RWTH, Aachen
    Constructing representations of finitely presented groups

    George Havas --- University of Queensland, Brisbane
    New methods for the reduction of integer matrices

    Mario Daberkow --- Technische Universita:t Berlin
    Computing with subfields

**** Workshop on Magma II:
Wieb Bosma: Number fields in Magma
Bruce Cox: Writing programs in Magma
Steve Linton: Algebras in Magma
Allan Steel: The Magma user interface and environment

Wednesday, August 25 -----------------------------------------------------------

    Henri Cohen --- Universite' de Bordeaux
    Practical aspects of Buchmann's sub-exponential 
    method for class group and unit computation

    Gerhard Schneider --- Universita:t Karlsruhe
    Computing homomorphisms and quivers for group algebras

    Jon Carlson --- University of Georgia, Athens
    From quivers to ext algebras

    G.W. Lempken --- Institut fu:r Experimentelle Mathematik, Essen
    The structure of the PIMS of 3M$_{22}$ in characteristic 2

    Katsushi Waki --- Hirosaki University
    The calculation of direct summands of KG-modules

    Max Ju:ntgen --- Technische Universita:t Berlin
    Solving diophantine equations

    J.F. Humphreys --- University of Liverpool
    Schur multiplier of representation groups
    finite irreducible reflection groups

**** Workshop on Magma III:
Allan Steel: Linear algebra in Magma
Derek Holt: Module theory in Magma
Wieb Bosma: Character theory in Magma
Eamonn O'Brien: p-groups and soluble groups in Magma

Thursday, August 26 ------------------------------------------------------------

    Bill Kantor --- University of Oregon, Eugene
    Geometry in computer algebra systems

    Peter Cameron --- Queen Mary and Westfield College, London

    Gene Cooperman --- Northeastern University, Boston
    Some combinatorial techniques for permutation groups

    Greg Butler --- Concordia University, Montreal
    Progress on the hard problems in permutation groups

    Petr Lisonek --- RISC, Linz
    Configurations in finite projective planes

    Robert Curtis --- University of Birmingham
    Symmetric representations of group elements

    Robert Wilson --- University of Birmingham
    A library of sporadic groups

    Mnukhin ---
    The reconstruction index of a permutation group

**** Workshop on Magma IV:
Bruce Cox: Permutation groups in Magma
John Cannon: Designs, codes and graphs in Magma
Graham Matthews: Functional aspects of the Magma language

Friday, August 27 --------------------------------------------------------------

    George Collins --- RISC, Linz
    Equational constraints in partial CAD construction

    Gary Ebert --- University of Delaware, Newark
    Constructions in finite geometry using computer algebra systems

    John Cannon --- University of Sydney
    Effective reduction algorithms for short-base
    permutation groups of degree 1,000,000

    Stephane Collart, D. Mall --- ETH Zu:rich
    Algorithmic issues in the computation of universal Gro:bner bases

    Gary Sherman --- Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute
    Counting nilpotent pairs in finite groups

    A. Salam --- University of Central Queensland, Rockhampton
    Plethysm of Schur Q-functions

    Allan Steel --- University of Sydney
    Computation of the Frobenius and Jordan canonical forms